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Premier takes care about the human development of the company: behind every success there is always a close-knit team that works with passion to achieve a common goal.

For this reason we have decided to talk to the protagonists of Premier, the people who, every day, contribute, with their knowledge and their personalities, to the growth of the company. Today's protagonist is Fabio Di Martino.

Tell us about yourself. What is your role in the Premier and what are your main responsibilities?

My role in Premier is Sales Area Manager; in particular, I follow the European market (with the exception of Italy, Spain and Portugal), some countries of the former Soviet Union, the Arabian Peninsula, India, Indonesia and, if necessary, I deal with potential new projects around the world.

How was your passion born? What's your school background?

After high school I was undecided on which university path to take; I chose to enroll in the Faculty of Economics in Pisa. Once I graduated, I realized that an administrative career doesn't fit to me. 

Soon I got the opportunity to combine two of my great passions, the foreign languages and to travel, reason why I enrolled in a master in International marketing organized by the BIC (Business Innovation Center) Tuscany and aimed to train as Export Manager. After the training in the classroom, I was assigned for an internship to a leading company in the construction of machines for the extraction of stone materials and I was sent to Norway, where I stayed almost two months and where I had the opportunity to open a new market. This is how, my career as a sales engineer, began. Many years have passed since then, during which I was able to change various companies and follow the entire supply chain, from the machines for the extraction of stone materials to those for their processing and transformation. Finally, I arrived in Veneto as a commercial manager of the stone sector for a well-known manufacturer of diamond tools, which also had a branch in Carrara, the city where I lived.

Why did you choose to work in the Premier? Which aspects of the Premier mission and vision are closest to your way of perceiving work and professional growth?

In the spring of 2014 I decided to have a new experience and a former colleague put me in contact with Premier. I perfectly remember the first meeting with two of the founding partners, Paolo Facci and Piergiorgio Trevisan, who immediately made it clear to me that Premier, contrary to my expectations, was exclusively dedicated to the development and manufacture of diamond tools for ceramics. I told him I barely knew how to make a tile; Piergiorgio replied that, at the time, I was the right person for them and that the company would take care of my training! I took a few days to study the sector, the products, the competition, but above all, to think about what value added I could give to the Premier. The challenge was stimulating and I decided to accept, it was the April, 12th, 2014 and my adventure in PREMIER began. The following week I was already in the company and in a few days I made my first trips to Germany and Turkey, two markets that have always been very important. More than 7 years have passed since that day, during which I learned a lot, I discovered new production technologies and new products, I opened new markets, but above all I acquired complete professional knowledge in a sector previously unknown to me.

Are there any particular anecdotes from your career that have left their mark and that you would like to tell us?

There would be many. In particular, I like to remember my first visit to an important ceramic factory: I felt like a kid who came into contact for the first time with an "alien" world. I did not imagine how much technology was hidden behind the production of a tile: silos, mills, atomizers, presses, molds, dryers, printers, ovens, end-of-line systems; but what "struck" me most were the automatic guided vehicles, with which, in a moment of inattention, I risked having a collision!!

Stop talking about work ... Do you have any hobbies and special interests? What do you like to do when you are not in the Premier?

My main hobbies are travelling and reading, I prefer books in Spanish, my favorite language. During the lockdown I became passionate about the game of Burraco, which I find a useful exercise for the mind. I love sports, especially water sports, but since I live in Veneto I make long walks in the mountains with my splendid dog, a tireless Australian Sheppard. Finally, I regularly go to the gym: I do it because it helps me to release tension and to feel in shape.