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MECS has released its five-year forecast for the global tile market. Within the report , "Ceramic Tile Market Forecast Analysis - Trend 2021-2025," is a snapshot of the market between now and 2025, showing an average annual growth rate of 5 percent.

Specifically, average annual growth of 5 percent is expected in terms of production, but also on the consumption side, with China topping these estimates.

After China, India will also play a leading role in this growth, with more than 2 billion sq m of production in 2025, although almost half of this is for export.

Next come Iran and Russia.

The methodology

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To fine-tune the forecast survey of the ceramics market, a qualitative analysis was conducted of all the determinants to build the trend. We talk, for example, about population and wealth trends, all the way to the costs of the energy component and geopolitical tensions.

Ninety-one countries were analyzed in detail, taking all these factors into consideration to put the target market into context.

An overview of the countries examined

As already specified, driving growth are China and India, to varying degrees. In general, Asia will lead the market by strengthening its position globally.

What emerges from the analysis is that Covid-19 has facilitated the recovery of advanced economies at the expense of growth in emerging economies.

The growth hinted at in recent years by some Asian and South African countries will be waning due to difficulties in responding to the pandemic situation.